Removing your makeup after a long hard day at work is one of the things women dread the most and we’re guilty completely guilty of it. You’re tired, half of your makeup is waterproof so you know it’ll take some extra time away from watching Modern Family, and because your makeup remover doesn’t work well you’re tugging at your eyelids too much.

We know makeup removal can be a pain but despite that it’s important to remove it properly without hurting your eyelids because this causes premature aging which is why we remove makeup in the first place. Being extremely careful with your eye area is a must because it’s the thinnest skin you have on your face so follow these easy rules next time you remove your eye makeup:

1. Use your favorite eye makeup remover on a pad and hold it there for a few minutes. This dissolves the makeup rather than having to swipe and pull your eyelids.
2. Using natural oils like coconut, jojoba, and marajuca works best because they deliver moisture whilst cleansing.
3. Take a cotton swab with your face oil and run it through the roots of your lashes. Makeup tends to get stuck there and clogs the roots.

To see a demonstration of these tips, tune into the video.