Rose gold is like gold’s really beautiful cousin that everybody forgets about. We’re not quite sure why it’s taken so long for this color to really come into popularity, be we are very glad it has finally become an extremely chic trend. Rose gold is a warm, delicate, gentle and memorizing color. It has all the brilliance for gold, but with a muted sense of polished sophistication. Rose gold is gaining popularity in terms of clothing, accessories and even make up. There are plenty of different ways for you to work this stunning color into your own personal style, and we highly suggest that you do because it will keep you looking gorgeously chic.
Rose gold is a beautiful color to work into your fall wardrobe because it picks up on all the warm tones of the season while providing an unexpected punch of brightness. For a lovely fall look we suggest pairing brown wide leg trousers with a rose gold trench coat. The colors in this look complement each other perfectly and we love the masculinity of the trench coat combined with the soft femininity of the rose gold hue. Another way to work the rose gold hue in to your style would be to opt for rose gold makeup. We highly recommend a rose gold blush in spring time; it gives a subtle warm glow to any skin tone.
Try The Trend Tips
Rose gold is a color that belongs in your life, so get on the bandwagon and find some rose gold fashion, accessories or makeup to liven up your look.
Of course the most traditional way to wear rose gold is in the form of jewelry, we love a charming rose gold pedant necklace or even stable bracelets done with rose gold bangles.
Rose gold is akin to the metallic family, so the next time you’re thinking of investing in metallic shoes or that gold glitter purse, opt for rose gold instead of the more traditional metallic hues.