Have you ever wanted to learn more about the history of royals and their fashion? Whether it’s their inspiration, rules, or seemingly never-ending supply of beautiful clothing, it seems someone is always talking about royal fashion. And with princesses like Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle whose fashion sense is always seen and discussed, it’s no wonder we’re obsessed.
And now we have one more place where we can go (for free!) to learn and discuss more the fashion of current royals and all those have come before them. The University of Glasglow is offering a five-week course to teach you everything there is to know about dressing like a royal.
You will learn about the British kings and queens and what has been worn by them, from the dynasties of the Tudors, the Stuarts, the Georgians, the Victorians, and the Windors. For royals, clothing is not just a form of self-expression; rather, it was used to project wealth and power, and influence new trends.
Additionally, it will discuss the current royals, from the way they handle their undeniable celebrity to balancing expectations, diplomacy, and the mass media.
For more information on the History of Royal Fashion six-week class being held by the University of Glasglow, check out the video above.