Vegan fashion blogger Venetia Falconer talks about fashion waste and how it could be reduced. The YouTube blogger started vlogging about sustainable lifestyle focusing on being vegan due to her unhealthy relationship with food while she was growing up.
Falconer said as a teenager she didn’t know what to eat or not eat and with all her teenage angst she was never on the right way. Falconer mentioned that she didn’t decide to be vegan because she wanted to lose weight but because she wanted to make the world better.
Therefore, when a fan of her blog commented on a video on her YouTube channel with “It’s great that you’re talking about a vegan lifestyle, but what about the clothes that you’re wearing, because you’re promoting fast fashion.” She was concerned and then researched about fast fashion where she found out that about 80 million pieces of clothes are used every year resulting to about 10 million tons of waste which require water that is enough for 32 million swimming pools.
She also mentions that the state of the workers who make these clothes are not favorable: 80 percent of the workers are women who do not often get paid at the rate of minimum wage in some countries. Since then she has only shopped for clothes that will stay in her closet for eternity.
Falconer gives some sustainable fashion advice including: you only need to buy clothes you really need, when a cloth falls apart you mend them or swap with a friend. If you really want a new piece of clothing, make sure it would make you feel like Beyonce.
She said there is so much beauty and power in buying only what you need. With about 90,000 followers on social media, she now shares tips on how to live the footprint-less lifestyle.