Continue your beauty routine through your diet
You might think the key to keeping a youthful appearance comes in a bottle but incorporating certain foods into your diet will boost your beauty routine. These nutritious foods will boost your beauty routine improving your health, hair, skin, and nails.
Lentils are vitamin-rich legumes that contain biotin and B vitamins to promote long, healthy hair growth. Lentils are also rich in fiber and protein that helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels for a hearty meal that will leave you feeling full for a long time.
Coconut oil is one of the best-known beauty products and can be added to your diet for additional health benefits for youthful skin. Coconut oil contains healthy fats, vitamin E, and vitamin K that help to lower oxidative stress as well as reducing stress on the liver.
Shiitake mushrooms will help keep a youthful complexion packed with copper (a collagen-boosting mineral) and L-ergothioneine antioxidant that helps exfoliate the skin. These mushrooms also help to improve your immune system and are easy to incorporate in a variety of dishes for lunch or dinner.
A simple snack like sunflower seeds will add a rich source of vitamin E to your diet that helps to reduce rough and dry skin while rehydrating your complexion. Sunflower seeds also help protect from sun damage and prevent inflammation that is an easy ingredient to incorporate in a variety of recipes.
Avocados are delicious and nutritious in monounsaturated fats that benefit the skin barrier function with fat-soluble vitamins A, E, and K. This superfood can be eaten and used as a skincare product that can be applied directly to the face.