(Photo: Two Blind Brothers)
Bringing awareness to blindness with the Shop Blind challenge
Unique fashion company, Two Blind Brothers, are offering customers the Shop Blind challenge to create an experience of shopping as a blind person would. The Shop Blind challenge allows customers to experience what it’s like for blind people to shop without seeing the products and trusting your instinct on your purchase.
The challenge is ongoing until September 1 offering customers four box tier options including Tier 1 for $33, Tier 2 for $65, Tier 3 for $98, or Tier 4 $169 (advertised as “Trust us, it’s worth it”). The boxes are a complete mystery but ask for gender and size preference when you add the box to your cart.
The great part is that they offer customers the option to return the box if they don’t like what they get. The Shop Blind challenge will be donating 100% of the profits to Foundation Fighting Blindness that funds projects aimed at curing blindness.
The founders of Two Blind Brothers, Bradford and Bryan Manning, were both diagnosed with eye disease at a young age that causes blindness over time. The Manning brothers wanted to help the blind community by creating a fashion range that features braille details so customers can know what they’re wearing when putting outfits together.
Both brothers graduated from the University of Virginia and live in NYC currently. Along with the “blind tested, brother approved” details the brothers spent months to ensure they’re getting the best fabrics, button details, and factory partners.
If you’re interested in the Shop Blind challenge, grab your box by September 1 because everything will no longer be available.