Want to look youthful like a Victoria’s Secret model? Successful model Taylor Hill shared her morning routine with Elle and it’s no wonder she maintains a youthful complexion! Here are her morning routine tricks and secrets that you should totally follow to stay gorgeous!

Taylor Hill loves to get out of bed when she have a fun event for the day, especially when it’s with Victoria’s Secret. The first thing she does is go to her bathroom and brushes her teeth, Taylor says she can’t just jump into the shower right away because she need some time to get her brain up and at it! She likes to brush her teeth first because then she can procrastinate… and she says the mint flavor of her toothpaste wakes her brain up.

After she brushes her teeth, likes to check her emails and catch up on everything via social media to get her brain working. She then hops in the shower and is a must for her to have her morning coffee afterwards! Hill is a little bit of a coffee addict, having about 3 cups every morning.

Taylor then likes to go outside on her balcony and breathe in the fresh air while she drinks her coffee because it’s her last few minutes to relax before her hair and makeup crew comes over! She also likes to take the time to listen to podcasts because she can get really distracted by the television and she hates not getting anything done.

It is a must for Taylor to get all of her work done before people come over. Whether it’s catching up on her emails or organizing her closet.

Taylor says she can usually get ready quickly by herself, but on press events she always has her makeup and hair crew come over. Than she gets her ensemble on for the day, and she loves chic comfy clothes if it’s a lazy day. No matter what kind of day it is for Taylor, it’s safe to say she’s a big role model!