From Our Blog

The Do's and Don'ts of Threading Your Eyebrows

One of the best things you can do to frame your face undoubtedly is getting a perfectly shaped brow. Not only does is frame your face but it can also make your nose look smaller and open up your eye area revealing a brighter, more awakened face. The downside is that getting that perfect eyebrow shape is easier said than done and mistakes happen a lot m[Read More]

Beauty Travel Essentials

Whether you’re going on a weeklong vacation or a weekend getaway, there are just some beauty products that you can’t leave behind. You already have the basics ready to go like your skincare routine and your favorite bronzer but have you really thought through what else you’ll need? Grab a pen and make sure you have these beauty essentials checked off b[Read More]

How to Get a Firmer Neck

If there’s one area that is often forgotten in terms of proper anti-ageing skincare, it’s definitely the neck and chest area. We apply numerous amounts of products to our face like creams, oils, and serums but often forget to bring it down a bit. Unfortunately, many women decide to skip the thin area that is the chest and neck and regret it deeply [Read More]

How Your Face is Affected by Your Health

Sometimes you look at your face in the mirror and think “how did I get this breakout?” when a spot appears magically. You’ve got a good beauty routine down and overall hygienic when it comes to your face so you might be baffled as how you got that spot in the first place. It’s not that time of the month either so your face should be clear, right? Well[Read More]

How to Pack for a Weekend Getaway

Packing for a weekend getaway isn’t exactly rocket science but for women, it’s not very easy either. You keep trying to convince yourself that it’s just 2 days rather than a whole week but you most likely still try to shove your whole closet and vanity in to that little duffle bag. When you finally arrive to your destination, a great deal of regret start[Read More]

Crazy Reasons You Get Wrinkles

There are things we avoid in our everyday lives to avoid getting wrinkles like smoking, drinking (maybe not completely), and stressing. We make sure to moisturize properly, apply SPF, and drink lots of water to keep the skin plump and looking young. It seems we’ve got this anti-aging thing worked out, right? Well, you might want to think again. Some[Read More]

Sneaky Reasons Why You Get Acne

There are a few different reasons why a girl can get acne and you’re probably aware of them already: stress, that time of the month, and anything involving hormone spikes. You treat the acne and you assume that it’ll go away if you’re aren’t suffering from any of the obvious acne-causing reasons. But what happens when an obvious breakout isn’t being caus[Read More]