You will dazzle us with that hot European Style Charm Bracelet that you’ve just bought online. Definitely. It shingles. Its faceted sides sparkling hot in shades of emerald green, diamond blue, ruby crimson red, and an icy yellow-orange.

Will you look hot in an irregular vintage double layer Chiffon Pleat Maxi Long skirt, and your white short sleeved-blouse? Since your skirt is sparkling emerald-green. And your neatly manicured feet, are in a pair of golden strap-on sandals. Would a cool yellow-orange European Style Charm Bracelet have a perfect color fit?

How should you match your dress and charm bracelet colors for a most impressive hit? Let’s start by identifying hottest fashion-guru favorite color matches.

Complimentary Colors:
Now, let’s use these hot color matches to your dress and charm bracelet combinations.

Complimentary Color Matching:
Girl, your fashion aunty would firmly say this… opposite colors are a deep attraction. They will give you an amazing striking effect. By this I mean- green and red, yellow and blue.

You would really mesmerize in a green bubble skirt, white blouse and some ruby-red European Style Charm Bracelet. Make sure you use small accents of the complimentary colors. This way you can look super-hot without getting over the edge and starting to resemble a Christmas tree.

Analogous Colors:
Now girl, these are closely related colors that tend to have a super unifying effect if used in good proportions together. You may have 3-5 such colors in a super-chic matching of your dresses to your European Style Charm Bracelet.

Let’s try to feel these color stream – Red, orange-yellow, orange; yellow. Wonderful, feeling I would say. Of course these colors will not be too obviously vibrant like the purely complementary color sets, but still they rock.

You will definitely look super-hot wearing a flaring trumpet skirt, of red, yellow-green and green analogous mix, with your shimmering emerald-green European.

Style Charm Bracelet:
Conclusively, don’t overdo you coloring, you’ll end up looking like a rainbow.