When Blythe Hill started her advocacy for modern slavery in 2009, many would have thought that fashion, blogging or trend analysis could not be a way to change the world. In 2005, the need to help with the issue of sex trafficking kept Hill on her toes so she started a movement in 2009 by wearing a dress everyday for the 31 days in the month of December which then gave became “Dressember”.
People all over followed this movement by wearing a dress or a tie through the days of December by using the hashtag #Youcandoanythinginadress to the help sensitize the world about modern slavery. The CEO and founder of The Dressember Foundation talked about her passion for helping children sold to slavery in Cambodia, India, and Thailand.
Hill says this foundation inspires her work due to her own abuse experience which happened when she was 4-years-old, she said she has always felt like she needed to do more even though she isn’t a lawyer, cop or detective. When she started the Dressember movement in college, she had no idea that a lot of people would be so into it, but she went on to use the platform as a tool for raising awareness and funds in fighting child trafficking. She also went further to seek help from the International Justice Mission.
Also, in collaboration with Elegantees and Kingdom Investment Nepal (KIN) Hill has a center for rescued children where they learn trades especially dressmaking in an atmosphere filled with hope. She explained how the foundation helps people live a valuable and free life.
Hill said what she loved most about Dressember was that fashion is being used as a tool of fun and freedom, and as a reminder that every choice we make, dress we wear is an opportunity to advocate for the freedom of others.