When you’re feeling sick, the last thing you think about is what you look like. You’re most likely concerned about having enough tissues around for when your nose gets runny or keeping that DayQuil close if you start getting a fever. Getting sick is a hard thing to go through but faking looking good is a little bit easier.
Here are some tips that’ll help you look good on the outside despite not feeling too well on the inside:
Don’t skip out on your skincare. When you feel sick, you are most likely looking to be warm and don’t want to get out of bed. If you’re under the covers or have the heater on, your skin is losing moisture and it gets even worse if you skip moisturizing your skin. Do the very basics like cleansing with a moisturizing cleanser and moisturizing with an oil or cream. Toner is optional but don’t forget your eye cream.
While we’re on skincare, mask sheets are amazing. For the reasons mentioned above, you’ll benefit from a good moisturizing sheet mask. If you’re feeling well enough to walk to your vanity and get one, we recommend pampering your skin to get that healthy glow that your skin so desperately needs.
Dewy foundation. One thing that your skin is definitely lacking while you’re sick is a healthy glow. This can easily be done by either using a BB/CC cream or by adding a few drops of face oil/cream to your foundation and mixing well. This will instantly bring light to your face and help even out any redness due to fevers or irritated noses.
Blush. Nothing looks healthier than a little bit of a flush on the cheeks. If your cheeks are already red due to a fever you can go light on the blush but, if not, don’t skip out on it.
Bright eyes. Conceal properly if you have the panda eyes going on a keep it simple by just applying a few coats of mascara. If your eyes are extra red, use a waterproof nude colored liner on the waterline and look instantly more awake.
Don’t forget your lips. Lips tend to get dry so use a pink tinted lip balm that is in the same color range as your blush.
Above all, keep hydrated. Your skin and body benefits the most and looks healthier when you’re getting enough H2O. Keep a tall glass of water next to you at all times to keep hydrated.
(Cover image: guestofaguest.com)