From Our Blog

J. Crew Hires a 4 Year-Old To Design Their Next Collaboration

There’s a new designer in the fashion world that’s making everyone fall in love—and she still takes her snuggle bunny with her everywhere she goes. Four-year-old Mayhem has a blog, along with her mom, where she creates beautiful dresses with just construction paper, tape, and scissors. She gained popularity after re-creating Jennifer Lawrence’s an[Read More]

How to Make Leather Look New Again

There are certain leather items that look great when distressed, like moto boots. They give an instant edge when they look rough around the edges and give you instant cool points. Then, on the other hand, there are other shoes like your patent leather heels that need that shine to look good. Unfortunately as time passes, they don’t always look that way a[Read More]

3 Quick Holiday Hairstyles

Attention all party hoppers! If you have a jam-packed schedule of holiday parties that take you from work to party or just from party to party, you’re going to want to change it up a bit, especially with your hair. As much as going to the salon to get your hair done is appealing, you’re probably going to be short on time so the next best thing is working[Read More]

The Best Beauty Apps You Need to Download Now

Technology makes our lives a whole lot easier from finding a good deal when shopping to helping us learn a new language. With beauty, it shouldn’t be any different. We spend countless hours trying to look our best and if an app can aid in saving some time, we should be all about it. Here are some free beauty apps to make your life a whole lot easier. [Read More]

The Perfect Stocking Stuffers

Christmas is just around the corner and while you’re proud of yourself for getting all of the Christmas gifts out of the way, you most likely have been ignoring the Christmas stocking. There’s no better feeling than opening it up Christmas morning and seeing so many cute little goodies. Putting one together is easy and we have a few gifts every girl on y[Read More]

How to Wear Business Casual and Still Look Chic

When it comes business casual dressing, there are more questions than answers. There’s no specific definition of what business casual is but the easiest way to define it is by imagining what you would get if you combined what you would wear to the office and what you would wear while running errands. It’s meant to be appropriate while being slightly more[Read More]

Simple DIY Masks That Fix Your Skin Problems

We all have skin problems that bother us from time to time (or even more often) and sometimes getting a facial or going to the dermatologist might not be an option. Another option is getting a face mask at a local drugstore but who wants to put harsh chemicals on their face? Half of the time we can’t even pronounce what’s on the label. The best soluti[Read More]