From Our Blog

DIY Charm Bracelets

Dainty jewelry is trend that remains every year because it’s more of a classic trend rather than seasonal. This year, however, tons of models and celebrities have been sporting it more as of late and it’s the perfect type of accessories for this time of year when you want just the right amount of sparkle. You could easily go out and buy a few bracelets b[Read More]

How To Cover A Blemish

Breakouts are inevitable and usually come at the worst time possible. Factors like stress, hormones, or genetics cause those pesky spots to show up and possibly leaving a scar behind making them that much worse. Lucky for us, concealers are always there to save the day (or at least our faces) and can cover just about any spot almost completely if done co[Read More]

A Quick French Braid For A Rainy Day

Whenever rain is in the forecast, we can’t help but to pout and sulk over the bad hair day that is to come. When it rains, you can say goodbye to slick straight hair or that amazing blowout you just got done yesterday and say hello to big, frizzy hair. And if for whatever reason you forgot your umbrella, wet hair is just the cherry on top. For those r[Read More]

The Perfect Winged Eyeliner With Scotch Tape

One of the hardest things to master for pretty much every girl out there is the perfect winged eyeliner. Unless you have super steady hands, it can be quite difficult to master and can take years until you get it right. You try to fix one eye by adding a bit more liner to the other eye and end up looking like you did your liner in your car while driving—[Read More]

How To Add A Feminine Touch To Tomboy Style

If you’re a tomboy or find yourself dressing like a tomboy occasionally, you know how comfortable it can be. Skinny jeans, a cardigan, and some sweet loafers sound like a perfect outfit for most of us because it’s easy but sometimes can lack femininity. Luckily, adding a feminine touch is incredibly easy and we have some tips that can help. Add a pop [Read More]

How To Do The Donna Karan 4 Strand Braid

Braids have been a big trend this past year and it looks like they won’t be going anywhere this upcoming year as well. We saw braids on a lot of major runway shows like Baja East, Mara Hoffman, and our favorite, Donna Karan. The braid showcased on the Donna Karan runway reminded us a lot of our childhood friendship bracelets and getting to do that to our[Read More]

Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter may not be officially here but the weather is sure making it seem like it’s been here forever and taking a toll on our skin. Colder weather tends to dry out your skin making it itchy, flaky, and especially thirsty so changing up your skincare routine is a must. Now is the time you should swap out that lightweight summer moisturizer for something a[Read More]