From Our Blog

How To Look More Awake Using Makeup

We’ve all been there: it’s at night and you’re either texting that cutie you just went on a date with or liking every pic on your favorite blogger’s Instagram. Next thing you know it’s already 1 am and you know you’re going to be a walking zombie come the morning. Time just seems to pass by a lot quicker at night, right? For those days when you were [Read More]

3 Cool Ways to Wear a Vest

Vests aren’t usually the first piece of clothing that comes to mind when trying to style a feminine outfit due to its manly nature. A lot of the time we tend to see vests in a formal settings and we forget that they come in all types of colors and materials making it the perfect layering piece for any season. They look just as great for work as they do f[Read More]

DIY Trick to Get Rid of Split Ends

Split ends happen to everyone and they can be difficult to avoid. If you’re a fan of styling with heat, dying your hair, or using chemicals in it, your hair is sure to have some damage. The only way to get rid of them instantly is to get a haircut but those happen every month or so and might not be an option if you’re still a week or two away from your n[Read More]

The Best Bangs For Your Face Shape

Every girl out there at one point or another has had bangs and more likely than not didn’t love them. It’s a bold cut that gives you instant edge and makes you stand out from the crowd so naturally it can be a bit intimidating. Not to mention that if the cut was unflattering for your face shape, it probably made it look worse. Getting bangs can be the[Read More]

Selena Gomez Berry Lip Tutorial

Want a quick berry lip look that’s perfect for the fall and winter months and won’t take too much of your time? We have the perfect berry lips tutorial inspired by Selena Gomez’s makeup at the Met Gala 2014. Keep reading to see how you can get this look. Step 1. Prime your face as you normally would and apply your favorite foundation. Step 2. For [Read More]

How to Add a Feminine Touch to Menswear

Menswear is one of those fashion trends that never really goes away. We tend to see it come back every season and we can’t help but love the way a nicely tailored blazer and trousers look on a woman. Menswear tends to make us women feel empowered and bold and any time a fashion trend can do that, we’re more than happy to see it on the runway and don’t mi[Read More]

How to Look Like You're Not Wearing Makeup

If you haven’t noticed by now from your extensive makeup tutorial binges on YouTube (story of our lives), the “no makeup” makeup look is trending. It’s everywhere: on runways, magazines, celebrities and pretty much every girl out there who follows beauty trends. It’s a great look that aims for a more natural face and it takes really knowing you stuff to [Read More]