Do you suffer from the ever so dreaded dry hair? With colder weather naturally comes more dried out hair, but an item that is everywhere during the fall time could seriously help transform your hair and give it the hydration it needs. The secret ingredient… pumpkin. Pumpkin actually makes for the perfect dry hair mask!
It’s super easy to make your own DIY at home pumpkin hair mask. Since pumpkins are everywhere during the fall time, you can easily find one at a pumpkin patch or at your local grocery store. Simply find a pumpkin, then cut and blend the pumpkin pulp. By using a blender, you can easily get your chopped up pumpkin to the consistency that it needs to be out for your hair mask!
Pumpkins are packed with tons of minerals as well as vitamins, making for the perfect remedy for dry hair. Once you’re done blending your pumpkin, you want to add any essential oil of your choice.
Coconut oil is a good choice because it’s great for dried out hair and has been known to help with breakage. After you add your oil of choice, you then want to add some honey to the mixture.
Not only does honey strengthen your hair follicles but it’s all natural as well! The last step is to mix everything together and then apply it to your hair! You want to keep it in your hair for about 20 to 35 minutes, then wash it out of your hair and voila! You will see instant results and you can use the hair mask as often as needed!