From Our Blog

How to Dress for a Rainy Day

The rain can look quite pretty from the inside of your home, especially if you have your favorite hot drink and book at hand. Unfortunately, when the rain makes an appearance on a day where that entails getting to work or school quickly, the rain isn’t as pretty. In fact, it can get ugly if you don’t have rainy day essentials like an umbrella or some rai[Read More]

Back-to-School Makeup Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

Now that school is back in session, you’re probably pretty busy with things like homework, group projects, afterschool activities, etc. so other not-so-important things like makeup or a beauty routine are less likely to be on your mind. But makeup can really change your mood for the day to come and boost your confidence so it’s important to get a routine[Read More]

An Easy Side Rope Braid Tutorial

[aol-ga-tracking] Braids are such a big trend for the upcoming fall season, especially the rope braid. It’s incredibly easy to do and we love the volume and texture it gives the hair once it’s been finished style. You can wear it during the day or night making it one of the most versatile braids as well. What’s not to love? If you want to be on trend t[Read More]

Tips For Persistent Breakouts

Breakouts happen to everyone at one point or another and are most likely to pop-up during stressful times in your life or when your hormones are acting up. They’re noticeable, they hurt, and if you happen to pop it, say hello to a brand new scar that won’t be leaving any time soon. Needless to say, we all really dislike getting them. The problem with [Read More]

73 Questions With Vogue's Anna Wintour

Vogue magazine has come out with a small series called “73 Questions” that interviews popular celebrities, like Sarah Jessica Parker and Blake Lively, for example, and ask questions about little things we’ve always wanted to know. In the fashion world, one of the most mysterious and larger than life personalities is definitely Vogue’s editor-in-c[Read More]

A Simple 3 Ingredient Body Scrub

It’s no surprise that here at Chic Trends we love DIY’s, especially if they’re a much cheaper version of a beauty favorite. The one thing we love even more than a great DIY is glowing skin. Summer is coming to end so what better way to start the colder season than with perfectly polished skin? If you’ve got these 3 ingredients and about 5 minutes, you[Read More]

How to Get a Deep Sided Sleek Ponytail

A lot of people have a go-to part in their hair and tend to stick with it for a while. Some stay with that one look because it just naturally parts that way while others do it because they’re not sure anything else can be done. Changing your hair part can make a world of a difference for your face so if you’ve been stuck with the same part for a while, n[Read More]