From Our Blog

How to Moisturize Your Face Properly

Moisturizing your face is one of the most basic steps for anti-ageing and for a healthy face in general. One of the most common mistakes is not applying any moisturizer to your face to begin with (but that’s a separate topic) or not applying the right way. It’s easy to think that all you have to do is slather it on and walk away—big mistake. There’s [Read More]

Downtown NYC Street Style Look

New York city street style has got to be one of the most talked about, and duplicated, styles around the world. The city that never sleeps is home to many different styles but most notably it’s about the uptown girl vs. the downtown girl. While the uptown girl tends to be more proper and loves structures and silhouettes, the downtown girl prefers a more rela[Read More]

Want a Slimmer Face? Try the Spoon Facial

If you’re a beauty world follower like us and spend countless hours on YouTube, you may have already come across one of the most, ahem, interesting beauty trends out right now: the spoon facial massage. While this trend started out in the land of all things beauty-related, Asia, it made its way over to us and now we’re intrigued. By performing thi[Read More]

Does Dry Brushing Work on Cellulite?

If you’re a lover of Pinterest, you’ve most likely seen a pin or 5 about dry brushing. It’s been everywhere from the internet to T.V. so it’s hard to miss. It’s supposed diminish the appearance of cellulite making your look and feel a lot smoother. Considering we don’t, ahem, exercise as much as we’d like to nor eat as healthy (we blame the cookies), dry[Read More]

What to Wear to a Summer Pool Party

The weather is still warm and the sun is shining in all its glory so that probably means you’re still getting pool party invitations. Although they are as fun as can be, sometimes finding the right thing to wear can be confusing; can I wear heels? Should I try my new bathing suit? Will my new watch get wet? So many questions yet you most likely won’t eve[Read More]

Are You Washing Your Face the Right Way?

Washing your face is something you probably do at least once a day and seems like a relatively easy task. You lather up, massage, and rinse. Easy, no? Actually, no. Washing your face needs the same special attention you give your face like when you apply a moisturizer or when you exfoliate. There’s a special technique to getting rid of dirt off of you[Read More]

An Updo For Curly Hair

Calling all curly-haired girls this summer: beat the frizz with a cute updo that will cool you down for any occasion. Whether it’s a festival, a day-time wedding, or even a date, this curly hair updo will look great for any occasion. Check out our tutorial for a simple curly-hair do. You’ll need the following: -2 clear elastics -2 bobby pins [Read More]